Saving the Whales

Why do we need to protect them?
Whales are an important animal in NZ. They play a big part to the food chain.
What is the cause of the animal population decreasing in number?
The population of the whales are decreasing mainly because of humans. Some examples of human impact are, whaling, whales colliding with ships, and entanglement in fishing gear. There has been an estimated 40,000 whales that have been killed in NZ. Ocean pollution plays a part in this too. Plastic and other materials get into the whales, as they think that it's food.
Remember to always put your rubbish in the bin, and recycle as much as you can.
Remember to always put your rubbish in the bin, and recycle as much as you can.
What is being done to help them?
DOC (Department of Conservation) have set up whale watching operations. DOC have also set up a hotline you can call to report sightings of whales.
How successful is this help?
Effect of 1080
What is it?
1080 is a chemical compound (a poison) that is mixed into baits and is used to control pests in NZ such as rats, stoats, possums, etc.
There has been an estimated 40,000 whales that have been killed in NZ since 1827
In 1986, commercial whaling was banned and made illegal. The only countries it is not banned in are Japan, Norway, and Ireland.
Ocean pollution plays a part in killing whales too. Plastic that gets into oceans lead to the whales mistakenly eating it, thinking it is food.
Humans killed at least 2.8 million whales in the 20th century.
A blue whale is larger than a basketball court.
Whales breed every 1-2 years.