
Monday 31 July 2017

Drama Skills


Today we played...

Name games with a ball -
  • It sounded like saying your name out loud, silent when writing your name. 
  • It looked like throwing the ball around, making eye contact with other people, writing your name in the air. 
  • It felt normal because we all knew each other's names. 
Copy Circle -
  • It sounded quiet but noisy, if that makes sense, like, there was noise but it was quiet. 
  • It looked like everyone was copying each other. 
  • It felt fun because the person looking around had a hard time guessing. 
Mirroring Game - 
  • It sounded like
  • It looked like
  • It felt like

Thursday 27 July 2017


What does a chemist do?

Prac. Big Pieces/ Small Pices

       Use : Quiz Eze Tablets
Expt : For each of the following use
100ml water and record to dissolve completely. You will have 4 beakers.
  1. Use a whole tablet
  2. cut 1 tablet in half and put both into water
  3. cut 1 tablet into 4 pieces and put all 4 pieces into water
  4. crush 1 tablet and add all of it to water

Wednesday 26 July 2017

Quality Blog Comments

We are learning to identify a quality blog comment
We are learning how to interact online in a kind, positive and helpful way.
Learning how to leave quality blog comments is an important part of having a blog. It teaches us how to interact with others online and enables us to continue growing our positive digital footprint.

0:00 Start
0:28 Tips
0:32 Tip #1 - Compliment the writer in a specific way! 
0:58 Tip #2 - Add new information!
1:33 Tip #3 - Make a connection! 
2:05 Tip #4 - End with a question! 
3:19 Tip #5 - Proofread your comment!
4:32 The End! 

Monday 24 July 2017

Why Play Games

The Purpose of Warm Ups -
  • Prevent Injury 
  • Relax mental and physical tension
  • Prepare physically and mentally for performance work
  • Help your expressive with your body

What skills does the game teach?
  • To encourage creativity
  • To develop physical awareness\
  • To develop cooperation in group work

Monday 3 July 2017

Business and Enterprise - Making the slime

At first, making the slime was really messy, but as we added the borax, it started to come together!

Business and Enterprise - Come Along!

My favourite part of Term 2 is finally here! Business and Enterprise time!

This year, I have joined a company named Slimey Sensation. We are a company that makes all sorts of slime for only $3.50 per container! The types of slimes we will be making are - Glossy Slime, Fluffy Slime, Emoji Slime, Unicorn Swirl Slime!

Come along and see our market day!


Saturday 1 July 2017

Friday Sport

Every Friday, during the winter, we play sport. Football, Netball, Rugby, and Hockey.

Unfortunately, due to my sprained ankle, I could not play this week... but that didn't stop me from watching my team!

As I was watching Jaime, I was amazed by her big kicks and very good saves as a goalie. Well done Jaime!

Unfortunately, my team didn't win, but well done to the Weedons! They were fantastic!