
Thursday 13 October 2016

Sustainability Water - Reusing Water

Reusing Water Questions

 Sustainability : To keep renewable and non renewable resources by choosing to use them wisely, for our future generations.

1. Is there a way we could reuse polluted water? 

Yes, but it also depends on how polluted the water is, how you are going to reuse it, and what you are going to reuse it for.

You can also distil water. There are many ways to do this and it removes most of the impurities inside it. The process of distilling water involves boiling it.

2. How do we know it is safe to reuse water?

This also depends on how polluted the water is, how you are going to reuse it, and what you are reusing it for. Physicians have checked these kinds of things with their science stuff, and there are also ways for you to check.

If you are using distilled water, yes it is safe. Distilled water went through a process where most of its impurities were removed and it has been purified. Physicians say that distilled water is actually more safer, cleaner, and more pure than tap water.

3. Will we run out of water soon? 

Although Earth may not run out of water, we still need to remember that we might always not clean fresh water all the time. This is why we reuse water, so we don't run out of fresh water. Not all countries have clean water. We are very lucky to have clean water in New Zealand. In fact half of the fresh water on Earth can only be found in 6 countries!

Why is sustainability important for us for our future and how is it related to water? 

 Water is very important for humans. It is very healthy for our body. If there were no water, we wouldn't survive on Earth.  We use it to water our crops, we use it to wash things, we use it in our food, and most importantly we drink it. Why is Sustainability important for water? Well, unfortunately we are running out of fresh water. A lot of countries today have to live without fresh water, meaning... they live a short life and they die young. Did you know, every 8 seconds a child dies from contaminated water. Yes, this is horrible but true. Also in China alone, 700 million people drink contaminated water. Us humans need to realise that we will not have water all the time. We are running out. We all need to learn how to sustain our water resources for future generations.

I believe this meets LO1 because, I have explained why sustainability is important, and have given examples on how to take care of our resources.

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