
Tuesday 16 May 2017

High Impact - The Forces #1

High Impact - Force, Push, Pull, Friction 

Force -

What is a force? - A force is an interaction, push or pull, that changes the motion of an object.
Why do need forces in our life?  -  As said before in the definition, force is basically just a fancy word for push and pull. If we didn't have forces, the world wouldn't spin, and nothing would move. Our entire life is motion, all motion is caused by forces. It's a force that causes everything to happen. Imagine a life where we couldn't move anything?
Force is everywhere, as said before, it makes it possible for things to be moved. The world is able to spin with force!

Newton's Laws of Motion -

First Law -
Objects that are at rest, stay at rest, and objects in motion, stay in motion, unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. 

Second Law -
Force = Mass x Acceleration (f = ma)

Third Law -
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.
Push - 
What is push? - A force that works when you apply pressure against something, and move it away from you.
Why do we need push in our? - Push is basically force, as said before, if we didn't have push, nothing would move. Push is used around us all the time, for example, we push buttons, doors, and other objects.

Pull - 

What is pull? - Pull is the opposite of push. As said before, its a force that works when you grip onto something and put force on it to make it go towards you.
Why do we need pull? - As said before, we need pull to move things around. Without pull, it would be very difficult to move things around. Pull is used around us all the time, for example, we pull doors all the time! 

Friction - 
What is friction? - Friction is a force between two surfaces that are sliding, or trying to slide across one another. Friction always works in the direction opposite from the direction the object is moving, or trying to move. It always slows a moving object down. The lower the friction, the easier/faster the object will move, if there is a force moving it, of course. For example, if you are trying to pull/push a box over some grass, it will be difficult to move. If you try pull/push a box over some ice, it would be much easier, because ice has lower friction than grass. 
Why do we need friction? - Well, friction is one of the things that keep things in place. By in place, I mean still, and not moving when there is no force acting on it. If we didn't have friction, once an object is moved, it will not stop moving until another force stops it. For example, if you kicked a ball, it would eventually stop right? If there were no friction on Earth, and you were to kick that ball, it would keep going forever until a force stops it. 

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