
Thursday 30 November 2017

Festival of the Arts | Photography - Post 8

Festival of the Arts | Photography - Post 8

Today, we carried on working on our slide, and adding the pictures onto it. We also took one more illusion picture which required a lot of editing too.

I have to admit, it was REALLY hard to edit this and required a lot of patience. We first took the picture of Deianira holding Xij. We then went to and used the healing brush tool. We went over the body to erase it. It required A LOT of patience.

You can definitely see that it has been edited, but it still looks pretty cool.

Festival of the Arts | Photography - Post 7

Festival of the Arts | Photography - Post 7

Today in class we carried on with the illusion pictures, started editing, and looked at ways to improve on it. We also started compiling all the pictures we took into a slide. I added a few pictures I took at home too.

Here are a few pictures I have added into the slide

Note : All of the photos here are unedited!

"Don't shoot what it looks like, shoot what it feels like"

Thursday 23 November 2017

Festival of the Arts | Post 6

Festival of the Arts | Photography - Post 6

Today in class we carried on with what we did yesterday, illusion photography. There were many different illusions we took.  We took many photos to make sure that we took a good one, and picked out the good ones to use.

Here are some of the photos we took -

For this photo, I think we did alright with the illusion part, but there were a few mistakes in it. The photo is a bit blurry, and the hands cannot be seen, which kind of ruins the illusion.

One thing I like about this picture is not just the illusion, but the lights in the room kind of make a cool effect.

I definitely still have a lot to improve on, like putting things in the right place, lighting, and other things.I think my next step is to just make sure I have things in the right place. 

So far, I have loved doing illusion photography. It has been very fun.

"A picture paints a thousand words"

Wednesday 22 November 2017

Cybersmart With Mark Maddren | Interactive Pick A Path Story!

The last 2 weeks that we had cybersmart with Mark Maddren, he taught us how to make pick a path stories using google forms. (Thanks Mr Maddren!) I was amazed that we could do this, and never knew that google forms could be used like this.

Above is a story I made, hope you enjoy it!

Festival of the Arts | Photography - Post 5

Festival of the Arts | Photography - Post 5

In class today, Mr Cain showed us a illusion pictures that looked pretty cool. We got sent outside to try do some of our own pictures. I have to admit, it was harder than I thought, but we got a few successful pictures.

While it may not be perfect, I think my group and I did pretty well for the first time.

Here are some of the fails we had -

This one was supposed to be a giant stepping on two humans. There are a few problems in this one. One of the main problems in this picture is that it is hard to see the two humans. There are a few mistakes like bag and pole in the background, and the horizon not being straight.With a few more tries, I think this photo could be improved and successful.

For this one, there are a few mistakes. The hands are not positioned in the correct place, as they were to high, and also needed to move to the right. It is also pretty hard to see the small people too. I think this could have easily been fixed though.

I learnt that even if a little small tiny detail is wrong, it can mess up the whole picture, and illusion. It is very important to get things in the right place. It also definitely helps to take more than one picture.

Next time, I would like to explore more about this style of photography, learn a bit more poses or illusions to do, and tips and tricks that help with it.

This style of photography is pretty fun. I'll admit, it's definitely harder than I thought it would be! It's definitely nice exploring and experimenting with different styles of photography. I'd definitely love to do this more.

"A good photograph is knowing where to stand"

Tuesday 21 November 2017

Writing | My Brother, Jericko

Writing | My Brother, Jericko

For the past couple of weeks we have been learning how to write character portraits.

We used this guide to help us with our writing.

Here is what I wrote about my brother -

To me my brother, Jericko, is the best brother in the whole entire universe. Hes artistic, talented, and kind. It may sound cliche, but it's true!

Suave, stylish, and sophisticated. That's Jericko! His dark-brown hair is as slick as a whistle. The smile he has is so bright that it resembles a star on a pitch-black night. He stands at around 5’8, but compared to others, he’s pretty short. He likes to keep his fashion style up to date with the latest trends, but still adds his own style. I guess you can say he’s just above an average looking guy.

When you first meet Jericko, he’ll be friendly, helpful, and nice. Once you get to know him better, he will start to become silly and loud around you. He is an extrovert and loves to socialize with others. He is a very cheerful and tough guy on the outside, but can be sensitive at times. He takes his education seriously, but tends to get distracted and procrastinates. Although he is silly at times, he can be serious when needed to be serious. He is an inspirational person, and really deep. He is very caring, and is concerned for others around him.

Jericko is a popular person. His personality attracts others around him. Everyone knows that Jericko loves music. He is passionate about it, and absolutely enjoys it. He also loves to sing wherever, whenever. From inside the shower, to on a stage with a hectic crowd. He inspires many people through his music. He plays many sports, but focuses on basketball. He is a team player, and people know that he can be counted on to do the job. If you ever need someone to make you laugh or smile, go to Jericko - he is known for saying really lame jokes that are actually pretty funny... At school, the teachers adore him. He is one of the “good” kids. Sadly, he has now graduated high school, and it is a big loss for the teachers here. He is a role model to many people. He has many talents, which makes him a good person to ask for advice. He is a good person to be friends with, because he accepts anyone.

Jericko has a lot of things that are special to him. Jericko LOVES his hair. He never lets anyone touch his hair, and if you manage to do so, he gets annoyed. For emergencies, he always carries his black wide tooth comb, which I think is really unnecessary. Jericko loves music too. He has 2 guitars. An electric, and an acoustic. His music related things are very important to him. Another thing that is important to him is his camera. He is very into photography, and loves to take pictures whenever, wherever. He likes to inspire people through his music, and his photography. Something else that is important to him is his values and his beliefs. He is a very loyal person.

As cliche as it sounds, this is why I think my brother is the best brother in the whole universe. He is an inspiration to all and a great human being.

Monday 20 November 2017

Festival of the Arts | Photography - Post 4

Festival of the Arts | Photography - Post 4

Today in class we carried on with the alphabet things and finished things off again. Here is the doc of all our pictures of the alphabet.

While I was doing this task, I learnt a few things to do to take a good picture -

  • Experiment with your camera
  • Take lots of photos
  • Check your background
  • Try to take the photo straight, and keep the horizon straight
  • Check your lighting
I think I have done well on doing these things, but I definitely haven't perfected them.

I think what I can do next time to improve is find inspiration for my photos and put a story behind it. I also would like to learn more about photography to take my pictures to the next level, such as learning things like shutter speeds, exposure, aperture, and other fancy photography terms.

Photograph the Alphabet | Deianira & Trisha


Number + letter


Tree Bark
Volleyball Net

"Every picture has a story to tell"

Friday 17 November 2017

Kete 2017 | Think Globally, Act Locally



Forests are an important part in our environment. They are home to millions of different species, produce oxygen, store carbon dioxide, and help control the climate. They also provide food, shelter, medicine, and other things we use them for. They purify the air that we breathe, and water that drink.

What is Deforestation?

Deforestation is when humans remove or clear a large area of trees and related eco ecosystems for non- forest use or urban use.  In these cases, trees are never replanted. The trees that are cut down are used for building other things, fuel, palm oil, and to make space on land to build other buildings/houses. Deforestation causes massive problems to our environment, and we need to raise awareness about it.  
It is estimated that if we don’t do anything about Deforestation now,  within 100 years, there will be no more rainforests.
One and a half acres of forest is cut down every second.
What are the issues that are caused due to Deforestation?
There are many negative impacts that deforestation brings to our environment. Problems such as impact on climate change, habitat loss, greenhouse gases, changes in water cycle, and others. Deforestation is causing all these problems to our environment, and damaging our home.
Climate Change - Trees play a huge part in our environment, absorbing greenhouse gases, and purifying oxygen. The greenhouse gases that are in our atmosphere play a huge part in climate change. A problem we are dealing with to protect our environment is the level of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. Trees help breathe in the the greenhouse effect gases, balance out the level of the gases, and breathe out oxygen for us to breathe in. When humans cut trees down, they release the gases that are stored in the trees, which results in climate change.
Habitat Loss - The trees that we humans cut, aren’t only trees, but are homes to millions of different species. 70% of Earth’s land animals and plants live in forests. When we cut down their homes, it is difficult for them to survive, and they could potentially become extinct. Not only do we lose the species we know about, but we may also lose species we have not discovered yet.
What has been done to fix the problem so far?
In New Zealand,  the government has proposed to plant 100 million trees per year around NZ to help with the environment. New Zealand is also aiming to be a carbon neutral economy, along with other countries around the world. Companies have also stopped using palm oil from trees in their products.
People are also raising awareness about deforestation through social media, videos, and articles.
What simple things can we do to help fix this problem?
  • Plant a tree in your backyard
  • Use less paper
  • Use cloths instead of napkins and paper towels
  • Recycle as much as possible!
  • Eat less meat
  • Don’t buy products that contain palm oil
  • Tell other people about deforestation!

Nature doesn’t need people. People need nature.” - Conservation International

Thursday 16 November 2017

Festival of the Arts | Photography - Post 3

Festival of the Arts | Photography - Post 3

Today in class we learnt about some other tips and tricks we could use to improve our photography skills. We learnt things such as the rule of thirds, having a focus/target, having lines pointing at your subject, etc.

W carried on with what we were doing on Monday, the alphabet. We filled in the gaps we hadn't gotten yet.

Here are some of the photos my group, Deianira, Xij, Loishane, and I took -

Picture 1 | Waterbender

Picture 2 | Leaves

Picture 3 | Quick

Picture 4 | Tree Bark

Picture 5 | Orange

Picture 6 | Split

Picture 7 | Volleyball Net

Picture 8 | Boy

"Taking an image, freezing a moment, reveals how rich reality truly is"