
Monday 6 November 2017

Writing - My Experience on Baking Brownies

My Experience of Baking Brownies

I am certain that approximately everyone in the whole world would probably spend their school holidays, a whole 16 days, with fully booked schedules, hanging out with friends, going to the movies, or whatever cool people do. Sadly, I am not one of those people, and I live an intensely mundane life.

Wake up, eat food, sit on the couch, take a shower, sleep, and repeat. This was basically the whole first week of my holidays. Well, if we are being honest, it is basically my daily life. As I sat on my couch on a Saturday afternoon, I said to myself, “I have to do something advantageous, I can’t just stay here on the couch acting like a potato.” I contemplated about what I could do to make my holidays revolutionize into an astonishing and breathtaking life. On a spur of moment, a lightbulb popped into my head! I could do some baking!

I promptly got on youtube, and looked at some Tasty, a professional youtube channel that shows how to make food in a simple but delicious way, videos. I saw that they had a video titled, “The Best Fudgy Brownies Ever!”. The thumbnail showcased the brownies stacked on top of each other, with chocolate melting down the sides, and insides of the brownies. Incredibly aesthetically pleasing, how could I not watch it? I clicked on the video, waiting for it to load. The ingredients and recipe were simple, but the end result looked exquisite. I had to make it.

I got out all the tools and ingredients I needed for the brownies, and looked at the recipe over and over again, just to make sure I knew what I was doing. Just before I mixed any ingredients together, I said to myself, "Once one ingredient is mixed with another, there is no going back. Should I really do this?" After all, this was the first time making brownies by myself.  Despite the chance of failing, I was bored and needed something to fill my hunger up, so I carried on.

First, I filled a pot up with water and put a heatproof bowl on top of it to create a double boiler. I then added the dark chocolate and butter to the bowl. As I waited for the chocolate and butter to melt, I whisked some sugar and eggs together in another bowl. Once the chocolate and butter were incorporated, it turned into a silky, smooth, and shiny texture. I mixed it into the sugar and egg mixture, and it turned from a pale yellow to a nice dark chocolate colour. I then sifted the flour, cocoa powder, and salt into the mixture, trying not to get it on the bench and make a mess. Who knew sifting flour looked so satisfying? The next thing I did was fold the batter ever so gently, trying not to overmix it. After folding delicately, I got a square baking pan and lined it with baking paper. The batter got super thick, and I tried to evenly spread it out onto the pan. After the struggle of spreading it out and trying to resist the temptation of eating it before baking it, I put it into the oven.

After around 30 minutes, I opened the oven door and turned only to find my life flashing before my eyes. The smoke came out like a shark and I was blinded for a few seconds. I quickly ran to the sink and splashed myself with cold water. After my recovery, I got the brownies out of the oven, trying not to get smoke in my face again. The smell of the brownies was incredible!

I put the brownies on a cooling rack to cool down completely. I decided to take a nap while waiting. An hour went by, and I woke up to check the brownies. I cut the brownies into squares. They looked really fudgy in the inside. I couldn't believe I made them! I took a small bite, not expecting anything. The brownies melted in my mouth, and it was very sweet, but not too sweet. Not only did they look amazing, but they also tasted amazing! I was really proud of myself, and I gave them to my family to try. They loved it, and after a few minutes, it all disappeared!

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