
Monday 13 November 2017

Festival of the Arts | Photography - Post 1

Festival of the Arts | Photography

Today we went to our first class for the Festival of the Arts Kete. The class I got put in was Photography.

We learnt how tips on taking a decent photo. For example, we learnt to keep the horizon straight, look at your background, and adjust your lighting. We also had a task to take pictures of things that start with the alphabet. For example, a; apple, b; ball, c; cat. 

It wasn't that difficult, but we had trouble finding a few objects starting with a few letters like Z, V, and U. It was also hard to take pictures with an iPad, due to its bulkiness. The quality on the iPad wasn't too good either. 

Even if the camera quality was bad, we still were able to take decent photos. 

Here are some pictures we took. 

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