
Tuesday 21 November 2017

Writing | My Brother, Jericko

Writing | My Brother, Jericko

For the past couple of weeks we have been learning how to write character portraits.

We used this guide to help us with our writing.

Here is what I wrote about my brother -

To me my brother, Jericko, is the best brother in the whole entire universe. Hes artistic, talented, and kind. It may sound cliche, but it's true!

Suave, stylish, and sophisticated. That's Jericko! His dark-brown hair is as slick as a whistle. The smile he has is so bright that it resembles a star on a pitch-black night. He stands at around 5’8, but compared to others, he’s pretty short. He likes to keep his fashion style up to date with the latest trends, but still adds his own style. I guess you can say he’s just above an average looking guy.

When you first meet Jericko, he’ll be friendly, helpful, and nice. Once you get to know him better, he will start to become silly and loud around you. He is an extrovert and loves to socialize with others. He is a very cheerful and tough guy on the outside, but can be sensitive at times. He takes his education seriously, but tends to get distracted and procrastinates. Although he is silly at times, he can be serious when needed to be serious. He is an inspirational person, and really deep. He is very caring, and is concerned for others around him.

Jericko is a popular person. His personality attracts others around him. Everyone knows that Jericko loves music. He is passionate about it, and absolutely enjoys it. He also loves to sing wherever, whenever. From inside the shower, to on a stage with a hectic crowd. He inspires many people through his music. He plays many sports, but focuses on basketball. He is a team player, and people know that he can be counted on to do the job. If you ever need someone to make you laugh or smile, go to Jericko - he is known for saying really lame jokes that are actually pretty funny... At school, the teachers adore him. He is one of the “good” kids. Sadly, he has now graduated high school, and it is a big loss for the teachers here. He is a role model to many people. He has many talents, which makes him a good person to ask for advice. He is a good person to be friends with, because he accepts anyone.

Jericko has a lot of things that are special to him. Jericko LOVES his hair. He never lets anyone touch his hair, and if you manage to do so, he gets annoyed. For emergencies, he always carries his black wide tooth comb, which I think is really unnecessary. Jericko loves music too. He has 2 guitars. An electric, and an acoustic. His music related things are very important to him. Another thing that is important to him is his camera. He is very into photography, and loves to take pictures whenever, wherever. He likes to inspire people through his music, and his photography. Something else that is important to him is his values and his beliefs. He is a very loyal person.

As cliche as it sounds, this is why I think my brother is the best brother in the whole universe. He is an inspiration to all and a great human being.

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